Archive for October, 2008

A Cape Comeback!

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , on October 31, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Ok, so within the past couple of months, I’ve become totally obsessed with capelets. Teenie-Tiny capes can turn a boring outfit into an amazing one.  Some have hoods, some don’t. I mean, the sky’s the limit on these things.

My favorite capelet designer is Holly Stalder from Portland, Oregon: She is AMAZING, I tell you!! Check out these beauties! (Oh, and she will custom make them to go with your wedding dress, or just any outfit you want!!)

Basically, I’m in love.

The Perfect Winter

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on October 30, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Winter is almost here, and I cannot wait! Mainly because I live in the hottest state in the world, and winter is the only time I can wear some nice clothes without sweating all over them.

I have been searching for a nice winter dress, and found this amazing Diane Von Furstenberg. Pair this with some cropped black leather gloves, and some killer heels, and you cannot go wrong.  This dress is $365.00 and you can find it on

If you want to stray from black, another amazing color for Winter is burgandy. This dress is by Black Halo, and retails for around $345.oo.


Check out this party dress by Larok. It retails for $311.00 and is cute as a button. Pair this with some elbow length gloves and super high heels, and you will have the most rockin’ look.

Happy Winter.

UnReal Housewives/Giles Deacon

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , on October 28, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Actually, I should have said “Unreal Housewife”. All of these ladies are kinda funny, and grow on you in their own way except for Sheree. She needs a reality check. I’m sorry, but you aren’t successful because you marry someone who is famous. Sharing with the world that you want “some 7 figures” out of your divorce is the least classy thing I’ve ever heard.

My favorite thing is how they think they’re all stylish. You can be wearing designer threads and still have no style. I love that Sheree thinks she is so hot and has no problem telling you that she is. In her case, I think it’s just new money, and it’s given her a horrible ego.

Kim is hilarious, and I love her. She’s totally ridiculous and I can’t tell if her hair is real or not.

Ok, that’s enough of my rant. I have picked out a couple of cute shoes for fall. I started thinking about it because Sheree has her own shoe salesman. I wish I did, but of course I’d be broke if I did, and she isn’t hurting for money.


So Giles Deacon has just come out with a new line totally inspired by Ms. Pac Man! I think it’s really fabulous, and kind of adore him.


Office Appropriate (Kitten Style…)

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , on October 28, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

At my company, we’re interviewing for a new assistant. My office is in the back, so I get paged everytime a new “interviewie” comes in, so I can look at them. My input doesn’t really matter about the new candidates, since I kind of do my own thing at work, but I think it’s fun to run up there and make a snap judgement on someone based on appearances (terrible, I know).

Seeing these applicants really got me thinking about how most people don’t really know how to show off their own personal style at the office. With a few exceptions, everyone seems to dress pretty boring for work.

Seriously, even if your outfit is boring, snazz it up with some funky heels!!!

I have found a couple of cute options for some sex kitten style, that is still work appropriate.

This is a dress from and it’s around $95. This is really sexy, without being too revealing.

If you haven’t looked at lately, maybe you should. I found this cutie dress on there that will most def turn some heads. It’s a little tight, but it covers everything, and is really hot. It’s about $98.

This dress and bolero from http://www.howcool.comis pretty adorable. Boleros and capelets are about to get big again (I predict), so start buying them up now before everyone has one… This 2 piece set is $140.

And lastly, a couple of dresses from I know I promote them way too much, but they just have the best shit ever!

Start of Something

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on October 26, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

I was just checking up on my favorite Project Runway designer this season, Kenley Collins, and found out that she is selling some of her awesome dresses and fascinators on her website! If you guys really want to splurge a little, check it out: Everyone may argue against me that Kenley had a bad attitude, and stole her designs, but honestly, her skill was impeccable, and if it wasn’t for her, I would have fallen asleep every week watching boring LeAnne and Korto. *snore* This dress from Kenley is under $400!!

So, speaking of LeAnne… although she was the most boring person on the face of the planet, she really did nail it when she said early in the season that she was the “Silent Fashion Assassin”. She has one dress for sale on her website, and it’s pretty cute. Her designs are so sleek, and I might talk shit, but I actually really liked them, and would have worn most of what she created. Here is the dress for sale on her site (its under $300!!)  :


Korto, however, is another story. When she was on PR, I thought she had great taste, and classic designs. She must have lost it all when she left the show. Her website had the trashiest photography of her work, and her work had pretty much no class. I was really , because she seemed like she really had it together. I won’t even bother putting a link to her site, as it really sucks and hopefully no one is buying that stuff… The leopard thing at the top is hers.

So, Halloween is coming up, and I hope everyone’s gotten their costumes! If you need to get one, last minute, I would go to They have a ton of cute costumes, and most of them are at reasonable prices.


Posted in Fashion with tags , on October 25, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Holy shit, I just happened to check out the Payless Shoes website, and couldn’t believe how stylish they’ve become. I am the first to say “Splurge on some good shoes, because they’ll last forever”, but honestly, with prices like these, who really cares if you have to buy 5 pair. These little booties are from Payless and only cost a whopping $30.

These are also from Payless, and I believe they are the most expensive shoes there at $48. These are a little more edgy, but with the right mini dress and stockings would be amazing!

So, if you haven’t heard of Etsy, it’s about freaking time that you did. This is one of my favorite websites because it sells only handmade and vintage items! I’ve gotten a ton of handmade stuff from Http://, and love all of it. This is a necklace I found today. It’s handmade, and pretty affordable. I hate wearing the same jewelry as everyone else, so if you really want to stand out, you should start searching this site.

A Sunday Smile

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on October 24, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Holy crap! Jonathan Saunders just launched a line for Target. It really stays in sync with his fall collection. And you thought you couldn’t have another black piece in your wardrobe? Think again. His pieces at Target start as low as $19.99! Target also has a couple of cute black numbers out from Xhilaration. I couldn’t believe it.


So, as for fall, I think the biggest thing is going to be vintage anything. Mainly vintage designer dresses. Dresses with Three quarter inch sleeves and cropped gloves. Clutch bags and stockings.

This dress is killer. It’s from Bettie Page Clothing (which they sell at … my favorite website).


Nicole Richie looks totally amazing as usual in this charming picture. She’s wearing an Alessandro Dell’Acqua dress and belt. She has totally nailed the classy look over the past year or so, and I expect her to really keep it up and become a style icon.