UnReal Housewives/Giles Deacon

Actually, I should have said “Unreal Housewife”. All of these ladies are kinda funny, and grow on you in their own way except for Sheree. She needs a reality check. I’m sorry, but you aren’t successful because you marry someone who is famous. Sharing with the world that you want “some 7 figures” out of your divorce is the least classy thing I’ve ever heard.

My favorite thing is how they think they’re all stylish. You can be wearing designer threads and still have no style. I love that Sheree thinks she is so hot and has no problem telling you that she is. In her case, I think it’s just new money, and it’s given her a horrible ego.

Kim is hilarious, and I love her. She’s totally ridiculous and I can’t tell if her hair is real or not.

Ok, that’s enough of my rant. I have picked out a couple of cute shoes for fall. I started thinking about it because Sheree has her own shoe salesman. I wish I did, but of course I’d be broke if I did, and she isn’t hurting for money.


So Giles Deacon has just come out with a new line totally inspired by Ms. Pac Man! I think it’s really fabulous, and kind of adore him.


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