In Keeping Secrets…

I really wanna keep this one to myself, but I can’t. It’s a site called Ever Pretty, based in the UK. It’s wonderful. They take dresses from the runway, and make cheaper look a likes.

The dresses average about $59, and here are a few of my favorites:

I will warn you, some of the dresses on the website are made very poorly, and with cheap material. Please know what you are buying when you order so you don’t get stuck with something you don’t like.

On that note, you should also check out their bra and pantie sets – they’re pretty funny.

One Response to “In Keeping Secrets…”

  1. love your blog, just thought I let you know this stunning dress I just purchased and its just to nice not to tell you: (also from the uk)

    ps Love the madeline coat 🙂

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