Archive for accessories

Awesome Trench Coats

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , on November 18, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Well, I’m not just going to show trench coats, but the website has some pretty kick ass coats that you should know about if you haven’t gotten one yet this fall. Here are a couple of my favorites:

This awesome coat is only $79!


This trench is really great. I feel like it should go over a little pin-up girls dress. This one goes for $199.


This cute little Bolero is only $99. Pair this with some skinny jeans and killer heels, and you’re set.


This is such a beautiful coat. It’s called the Jackie O dress, and would look amazing over a little floral dress. This coat goes for $69.


84 Love these big buttons – Only $84.

94 Cutie Madeline coat – $94.

99 This coat is sooo cute! $99.

114Great sleeves on this one $114.


So go to Mod Cloth and pick up a cute coat. They have other stuff too, like cute accessories and vintage finds.


Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

One of my favorite accessory is the fascinator. I can’t stop buying them, and they are so much fun to wear. They come with clips, and sometimes on headbands. They pretty much jazz up any outfit. Yeah… I said “jazz up”. This is the first one I ever bought from The next two fascinators are from a website called Love, Lu Lu Mae. They have the best hair accessories ever, and a large array of fascinators.  

I really feel like Kenley Collins, from Project Runway, is bringing the fascinator back.

I have also bought some fascinators on Etsy and Ebay.

A Cape Comeback!

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , on October 31, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Ok, so within the past couple of months, I’ve become totally obsessed with capelets. Teenie-Tiny capes can turn a boring outfit into an amazing one.  Some have hoods, some don’t. I mean, the sky’s the limit on these things.

My favorite capelet designer is Holly Stalder from Portland, Oregon: She is AMAZING, I tell you!! Check out these beauties! (Oh, and she will custom make them to go with your wedding dress, or just any outfit you want!!)

Basically, I’m in love.