Archive for chicdowntown

Tabatha Coffey – Smart Style

Posted in Celebrity Style, Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 8, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Tabatha Coffey is a Joico hairstylist, that made her first major tv debut on Bravo’s Sheer Genius. She has since started her own show called Tabatha’s Salon Takeover. She’s a smart, talented, aggressive, and bitchy. I love her. She has her own personal style of short platinum hair, and black outfits every episode. I think her fashion sense is very sleek and smart.

 NUP_130038_1380 tabathacoffey tabathacoffey1 

Snagging Tabatha’s style takes a little more than just grabbing a black dress. I have found some really good “Tabatha-ish” dresses on,, and my favorite Tabatha dress, by Muse at .

The favorite Tabatha dress by Muse. This dress used to be a little more, but now it runs about $163.00.: muse163

Here are some more dresses from Chicdowntown and BlueFly:


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