Archive for dorothea’s

In All Unholy Bathrooms

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

One of my favorite things to do is shop for great vintage finds. My favorite styles are from the 40s and 50s. I think the best part about shopping vintage is that you will have something that no one else has. I mean, it’s not like the little shops have the same dress in every size. I really love this website called They are pretty expensive, but have great pieces. They even carry lingerie (which is totally rad, since the best lingerie came from back in the day when everyone was a sex kitten). Dorothea’s Closet Vintage is actually a store in Des Moines, Iowa, but since I don’t live there, I have to shop online. Here are a few finds from Dorotheas Closet. 

I love this slip!!!

So, if you love Dorothea’s Closet Vintage, but can’t afford everything there (I wish I could, but hey, sometimes ya just can’t)… there is a great website called Hello! What a freakin’ cute name!!! Freudian Slips Vintage is based in London, but doesn’t have a store. They are only online, so you can shop awesome vintage 24 hours a day. They had rad dresses, coats, and yes… slips. I love this website!! Here are two great finds from the website: