Archive for gloves

Raid your Grandmother’s dresser

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on November 23, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

So, In the post “Note to self…” I found a lot of cool gloves for this winter. Personally though, I usually only shop vintage, so I hadn’t bought a pair of gloves, because I was waiting to find that perfect pair. I knew I would go to some vintage store and they would just jump out at me and scream “Hi Love! We’re here, and we’re perfect; buy us”. But it hasn’t happened.

I’m in the process of moving, and with that comes cleaning the closet. When I call the closet a beast, It is so true. After throwing out many rubbish bags full of clothes, and filling giant Tupperware containers full of things for Goodwill, I still have a massive amount left to sift through.

As I was going through an old box full of things that I never look at, I realized it had the most beautiful pair of gloves sitting in the bottom. I remember taking the gloves from my grandmothers dresser drawer, righ after she died, as I was the only family member with hands small enough to fit them.

They’re perfect. I didn’t need to shop online, or go to a vintage shop, all I needed was to look at what I already had.


So, go to your grandmothers place, and go through her drawers (if she’ll let you). Grab some old gloves, and wear them this season instead of buying new ones.

Note to self…

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Note to self… When looking for leather gloves online, make sure to put Leather Gloves in quotation marks so you don’t accidentally wind up on a leather fetish website.

Um… yeah, now so now that’s out of the way… I’ve been looking for months for a great pair of leather gloves (not chaps, or neck leashes…), and haven’t had too much luck. I mean, the ones that I find that I like are like, Burberry, and $350. Who wears gloves that cost that much!?!?! Well, I can think of a million more things that I’d rather spend $350 on than gloves, so I’ve come up with some alternatives.

Now, normally I wouldn’t really promote Juicy Couture, since I hate their pants with “Juicy” written really big on the ass. I mean, it’s like 17 year old girls that wear that, and it just seems inappropriate. Anywhooo, they apparently sell really cool gloves though. You can find this pair on Http://, and they are $125.00.


For a little comparison, this pair of 3.1 Phillip Lim gloves go for $195.00 at Secondly, this pair is from, they look almost identical, and they go for $38.00. Um… I guess the main difference are the gemstones. I guess you could *Bedazzle* your Urban pair… because really, don’t we all have Bedazzlers? (j/k)


 31philliplim195netaporter urban382

This last pair is from, and goes for just $22.00.


So go get some cropped gloves, throw these bitches on with a little cropped jacket, and get ready to look fabulous.