Archive for handbag

Betsey is my Retail Therapy

Posted in awesome, Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , on December 9, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

I’m like most women I know; when I have a bad day, or a traumatic experience, I will go shopping to make myself feel better. My problem is, I take it to the extreme. Yesterday I had a really bad day, so I decided to go buy myself something, and do a little Christmas shopping. I mean, even if I’m not spending the money on me, I’m still spending money, and for whatever reason, spending money makes me happy.

I go to the mall (which I hate doing, because it’s the second largest mall in America), and automatically hit up the Betsey Johnson store. I know I want to buy my best girl friend a new bag for Christmas. She lives out of state, and they don’t have a store there, so it’s always nice to pick her up something. I end up getting her a brand new Betseyville bag, and I loved it so much that I bought one for myself.

As if that wasn’t enough, I decide to go to Metropark, to look for other presents, and I see a Betsey Johnson “Tattoo Chic” bag. This thing is awesome. I had seen it before in the makeup bags, and in the satchel, but I got the “dome satchel”. It’s wonderful. As if finding this thing wasn’t enough, when I got the the counter, it was like, 40% off.

I also ended up at Marshall’s later, and they sell Betsey stuff too!

I would say go to Metropark, and see what’s on sale. I mean, as long as you stick with something other than clothing you’re good (because let’s face it, if I see one more lame dude with gelled hair wearing an Affliction t-shirt, I’m going to vomit).

Here’s a picture of one of my new bags. I had a little trouble finding a good photo of it online, so I just snapped one with my phone.

Happy shopping.


Worst. Handbag. Ever.

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Seriously? Someone might actually buy this thing? And wait… someone actually designed this? How insane? This is the Marie-Jeanne Crystal Minaudiere, by Sylvia Toledano. It retails for $1,400.00.

So, Ms. Sylvia has created a lot of these “bags” that are encrusted with Swarovski crystals. The description given on talks about the “leaves” on this piece, and how wonderful they look. I think they look kind of like pot leaves, and I totally think Ms. Sylvia has been smoking a little too much to actually think that someone would buy this for $1,400.00. Wow. I mean, I guess the positive is that it comes with an ink pen.

Maybe someone who is desperate for a pen one day… well, no… that’ll never happen. I wonder how many of these have sold. For some reason, I’m sure the number is higher than what I can imagine…

seriously Take it all in….