Archive for Houston

Interview with a Vampire

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 4, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

I’m sitting here, watching the election, and it’s all I want to write about. I am thrilled with the results so far, although I honestly was hoping that my state would go Obama. It’s a long-shot, because I don’t even remember when it went Democrat, but I thought we had a shot. The results haven’t come in, but it’s close. Close, but not enough. We went McCain.

It’s so weird to live in a city that is prodominately Liberal, and then have your state go Conservative. That’s Texas, I guess. I can’t complain. I voted, Obama is doing well, so far, and unless something earth shattering happen, he’ll take it.

Back to the normal blog…

This past weekend, my friend was visiting for Halloween, and was going to dress as Brad Pitt from “Interview with a Vampire”. I had never seen the movie (I know, right), so we decided to watch it, so I could see what he wanted to dress like. I fell in love with the costumes in the movie, and unfortunately, had no idea where he would go to buy pieces for an outfit like Brad Pitt’s.  I also had never seen a store or site that had women’s clothing like that in the movie.

I did a little research, and think I have found the best one on the internet. It has 1920’s to 1980’s Vintage clothing, but it also has breathtaking dresses from the 1800s. The website is Past Perfect Vintage Clothing –



This piece is from 1887, and runs around $900 (which isn’t too shabby considering how old it is).

Here is another dress from the 50’s that is on the same website (runs around $225):



Back to what’s important…
