Archive for juicy couture

Note to self…

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Note to self… When looking for leather gloves online, make sure to put Leather Gloves in quotation marks so you don’t accidentally wind up on a leather fetish website.

Um… yeah, now so now that’s out of the way… I’ve been looking for months for a great pair of leather gloves (not chaps, or neck leashes…), and haven’t had too much luck. I mean, the ones that I find that I like are like, Burberry, and $350. Who wears gloves that cost that much!?!?! Well, I can think of a million more things that I’d rather spend $350 on than gloves, so I’ve come up with some alternatives.

Now, normally I wouldn’t really promote Juicy Couture, since I hate their pants with “Juicy” written really big on the ass. I mean, it’s like 17 year old girls that wear that, and it just seems inappropriate. Anywhooo, they apparently sell really cool gloves though. You can find this pair on Http://, and they are $125.00.


For a little comparison, this pair of 3.1 Phillip Lim gloves go for $195.00 at Secondly, this pair is from, they look almost identical, and they go for $38.00. Um… I guess the main difference are the gemstones. I guess you could *Bedazzle* your Urban pair… because really, don’t we all have Bedazzlers? (j/k)


 31philliplim195netaporter urban382

This last pair is from, and goes for just $22.00.


So go get some cropped gloves, throw these bitches on with a little cropped jacket, and get ready to look fabulous.