Archive for Korto Momolu

Start of Something

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on October 26, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

I was just checking up on my favorite Project Runway designer this season, Kenley Collins, and found out that she is selling some of her awesome dresses and fascinators on her website! If you guys really want to splurge a little, check it out: Everyone may argue against me that Kenley had a bad attitude, and stole her designs, but honestly, her skill was impeccable, and if it wasn’t for her, I would have fallen asleep every week watching boring LeAnne and Korto. *snore* This dress from Kenley is under $400!!

So, speaking of LeAnne… although she was the most boring person on the face of the planet, she really did nail it when she said early in the season that she was the “Silent Fashion Assassin”. She has one dress for sale on her website, and it’s pretty cute. Her designs are so sleek, and I might talk shit, but I actually really liked them, and would have worn most of what she created. Here is the dress for sale on her site (its under $300!!)  :


Korto, however, is another story. When she was on PR, I thought she had great taste, and classic designs. She must have lost it all when she left the show. Her website had the trashiest photography of her work, and her work had pretty much no class. I was really , because she seemed like she really had it together. I won’t even bother putting a link to her site, as it really sucks and hopefully no one is buying that stuff… The leopard thing at the top is hers.

So, Halloween is coming up, and I hope everyone’s gotten their costumes! If you need to get one, last minute, I would go to They have a ton of cute costumes, and most of them are at reasonable prices.