Archive for Larok

The Perfect Winter

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on October 30, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Winter is almost here, and I cannot wait! Mainly because I live in the hottest state in the world, and winter is the only time I can wear some nice clothes without sweating all over them.

I have been searching for a nice winter dress, and found this amazing Diane Von Furstenberg. Pair this with some cropped black leather gloves, and some killer heels, and you cannot go wrong.  This dress is $365.00 and you can find it on

If you want to stray from black, another amazing color for Winter is burgandy. This dress is by Black Halo, and retails for around $345.oo.


Check out this party dress by Larok. It retails for $311.00 and is cute as a button. Pair this with some elbow length gloves and super high heels, and you will have the most rockin’ look.

Happy Winter.