Archive for outfit

Passing Afternoon

Posted in Celebrity Style, Fashion with tags , , , , , on November 7, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

So, I keep seeing Katy Perry everywhere, and some days I love what she’s wearing, and other days I don’t. It’s hard to decide whether or not she has killer style, or is just some kid who is being thrown into some crazy outfits for more publicity. I honestly doubt she has killer personal style, looking back on how she’s dressed before she got famous. Regardless of if I LOVE something she’s wearing, or hate it, I have to give her props for not being shy about dressing up. What fun is it to wear a dumpy t-shirt and jeans all the time?

I guess I just like the fact that she’s willing to take some risks. Katy is beautiful, and hopefully she’ll keep up with the good ones, and try to have a more editing eye when it comes to choosing her wardrobe.

I do have to say a little something about her Obama Dress!! Holy crap. Ok, so, it’s pretty awesome that someone made an Obama dress, but I always am a little uneasy when celebrities support politicians. I mean, I wonder how much she really knows about Obama? She might know a lot about politics, I don’t care enough to do any research on it, but I wonder sometimes…

Love the last outfit. I want it!!!



