Archive for pinup girl

Office Appropriate (Kitten Style…)

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , on October 28, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

At my company, we’re interviewing for a new assistant. My office is in the back, so I get paged everytime a new “interviewie” comes in, so I can look at them. My input doesn’t really matter about the new candidates, since I kind of do my own thing at work, but I think it’s fun to run up there and make a snap judgement on someone based on appearances (terrible, I know).

Seeing these applicants really got me thinking about how most people don’t really know how to show off their own personal style at the office. With a few exceptions, everyone seems to dress pretty boring for work.

Seriously, even if your outfit is boring, snazz it up with some funky heels!!!

I have found a couple of cute options for some sex kitten style, that is still work appropriate.

This is a dress from and it’s around $95. This is really sexy, without being too revealing.

If you haven’t looked at lately, maybe you should. I found this cutie dress on there that will most def turn some heads. It’s a little tight, but it covers everything, and is really hot. It’s about $98.

This dress and bolero from http://www.howcool.comis pretty adorable. Boleros and capelets are about to get big again (I predict), so start buying them up now before everyone has one… This 2 piece set is $140.

And lastly, a couple of dresses from I know I promote them way too much, but they just have the best shit ever!