Archive for ring

Right Hand Ring

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

I love the idea of the right hand ring. It doesn’t have to mean that you’re single, but just that you are independent and happy. Being a “single” girl, living in the city, working all of the time, I feel like I can splurge a little on myself sometimes. It’s not like I need to spend the money on my kids (I would if I had them, but now… nah). Right hand rings started out being diamond rings girls bought for themselves, but they don’t have to be diamond rings. I think big, chunky rings are really going to be in this winter, so stock up!

Here are a couple of great rings, with all different prices, from all different websites. So go find  your perfect ring!

This right hand ring has about a 1/2 ct. worth of diamonds, and is on This is being sold for $499.99, and is the only “just diamonds” ring that I’m going to put on here:


I am in love. In love with this stone cluster ring from: It’s from Erickson Beamon, and retails for $235. I can’t get over how much I love this ring. It’s so beautiful, and all I can think about when I see it are old paintings on wood panels with gold leaf.



The next rings are really fun options, and will go with literally everything. They can be found on, are by Kenneth Jay Lane, and retail for $150.


A cool, clean, modern ring by Thad Cline – $350 at



Want a splash of color? This ring is perfect!!! I am always about white, black, and grey, but I freakin’ love this ring!! How wonderful. This ring is by Sazingg and retails for $950 on


Last but not least. My favorite ring out of this bunch. It also happens to be the cheapest (hooray)! You can’t go wrong with frosted crystals, when it’s mixed with diamonds and sterling silver. This piece can be found on, and goes for $90.
