Archive for shoes

Naughty Monkey

Posted in awesome, Fashion with tags , , , , , , , on November 19, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Naughty Monkey has some really really fun shoes out right now! You can get them on has a couple of pairs on sale. Here is a preview of some of the cutest pairs of heels, and an awesome pair of boots.


These are $75 on


79amazonThese are $79 on

boot132These are $132 on Zappos (with an excellent review).

nookie_wine-naughtym “Nookie” is $99 at Naughty Monkey’s website.

quickie74 “Quickie” $75 on

wildwaysamazon72 “Wild Ways” $72 on


So go buy a pair!!! They’re super comfy and awesome!!


Posted in Fashion with tags , on October 25, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Holy shit, I just happened to check out the Payless Shoes website, and couldn’t believe how stylish they’ve become. I am the first to say “Splurge on some good shoes, because they’ll last forever”, but honestly, with prices like these, who really cares if you have to buy 5 pair. These little booties are from Payless and only cost a whopping $30.

These are also from Payless, and I believe they are the most expensive shoes there at $48. These are a little more edgy, but with the right mini dress and stockings would be amazing!

So, if you haven’t heard of Etsy, it’s about freaking time that you did. This is one of my favorite websites because it sells only handmade and vintage items! I’ve gotten a ton of handmade stuff from Http://, and love all of it. This is a necklace I found today. It’s handmade, and pretty affordable. I hate wearing the same jewelry as everyone else, so if you really want to stand out, you should start searching this site.