Archive for Vintage

Raid your Grandmother’s dresser

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on November 23, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

So, In the post “Note to self…” I found a lot of cool gloves for this winter. Personally though, I usually only shop vintage, so I hadn’t bought a pair of gloves, because I was waiting to find that perfect pair. I knew I would go to some vintage store and they would just jump out at me and scream “Hi Love! We’re here, and we’re perfect; buy us”. But it hasn’t happened.

I’m in the process of moving, and with that comes cleaning the closet. When I call the closet a beast, It is so true. After throwing out many rubbish bags full of clothes, and filling giant Tupperware containers full of things for Goodwill, I still have a massive amount left to sift through.

As I was going through an old box full of things that I never look at, I realized it had the most beautiful pair of gloves sitting in the bottom. I remember taking the gloves from my grandmothers dresser drawer, righ after she died, as I was the only family member with hands small enough to fit them.

They’re perfect. I didn’t need to shop online, or go to a vintage shop, all I needed was to look at what I already had.


So, go to your grandmothers place, and go through her drawers (if she’ll let you). Grab some old gloves, and wear them this season instead of buying new ones.

Awesome Trench Coats

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , on November 18, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Well, I’m not just going to show trench coats, but the website has some pretty kick ass coats that you should know about if you haven’t gotten one yet this fall. Here are a couple of my favorites:

This awesome coat is only $79!


This trench is really great. I feel like it should go over a little pin-up girls dress. This one goes for $199.


This cute little Bolero is only $99. Pair this with some skinny jeans and killer heels, and you’re set.


This is such a beautiful coat. It’s called the Jackie O dress, and would look amazing over a little floral dress. This coat goes for $69.


84 Love these big buttons – Only $84.

94 Cutie Madeline coat – $94.

99 This coat is sooo cute! $99.

114Great sleeves on this one $114.


So go to Mod Cloth and pick up a cute coat. They have other stuff too, like cute accessories and vintage finds.

Interview with a Vampire

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 4, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

I’m sitting here, watching the election, and it’s all I want to write about. I am thrilled with the results so far, although I honestly was hoping that my state would go Obama. It’s a long-shot, because I don’t even remember when it went Democrat, but I thought we had a shot. The results haven’t come in, but it’s close. Close, but not enough. We went McCain.

It’s so weird to live in a city that is prodominately Liberal, and then have your state go Conservative. That’s Texas, I guess. I can’t complain. I voted, Obama is doing well, so far, and unless something earth shattering happen, he’ll take it.

Back to the normal blog…

This past weekend, my friend was visiting for Halloween, and was going to dress as Brad Pitt from “Interview with a Vampire”. I had never seen the movie (I know, right), so we decided to watch it, so I could see what he wanted to dress like. I fell in love with the costumes in the movie, and unfortunately, had no idea where he would go to buy pieces for an outfit like Brad Pitt’s.  I also had never seen a store or site that had women’s clothing like that in the movie.

I did a little research, and think I have found the best one on the internet. It has 1920’s to 1980’s Vintage clothing, but it also has breathtaking dresses from the 1800s. The website is Past Perfect Vintage Clothing –



This piece is from 1887, and runs around $900 (which isn’t too shabby considering how old it is).

Here is another dress from the 50’s that is on the same website (runs around $225):



Back to what’s important…


In All Unholy Bathrooms

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

One of my favorite things to do is shop for great vintage finds. My favorite styles are from the 40s and 50s. I think the best part about shopping vintage is that you will have something that no one else has. I mean, it’s not like the little shops have the same dress in every size. I really love this website called They are pretty expensive, but have great pieces. They even carry lingerie (which is totally rad, since the best lingerie came from back in the day when everyone was a sex kitten). Dorothea’s Closet Vintage is actually a store in Des Moines, Iowa, but since I don’t live there, I have to shop online. Here are a few finds from Dorotheas Closet. 

I love this slip!!!

So, if you love Dorothea’s Closet Vintage, but can’t afford everything there (I wish I could, but hey, sometimes ya just can’t)… there is a great website called Hello! What a freakin’ cute name!!! Freudian Slips Vintage is based in London, but doesn’t have a store. They are only online, so you can shop awesome vintage 24 hours a day. They had rad dresses, coats, and yes… slips. I love this website!! Here are two great finds from the website: 

A Sunday Smile

Posted in Fashion with tags , , , on October 24, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Holy crap! Jonathan Saunders just launched a line for Target. It really stays in sync with his fall collection. And you thought you couldn’t have another black piece in your wardrobe? Think again. His pieces at Target start as low as $19.99! Target also has a couple of cute black numbers out from Xhilaration. I couldn’t believe it.


So, as for fall, I think the biggest thing is going to be vintage anything. Mainly vintage designer dresses. Dresses with Three quarter inch sleeves and cropped gloves. Clutch bags and stockings.

This dress is killer. It’s from Bettie Page Clothing (which they sell at … my favorite website).


Nicole Richie looks totally amazing as usual in this charming picture. She’s wearing an Alessandro Dell’Acqua dress and belt. She has totally nailed the classy look over the past year or so, and I expect her to really keep it up and become a style icon.