Archive for wacky eyeliner

Amy Winehouse, Bring the BeeHive Back!!!

Posted in Celebrity Style with tags , , , , , , on November 11, 2008 by yourgoodsailor

Amy Winehouse has actually stepped out (eating a grilled cheese that looks pretty good) without the beehive. It’s not pretty. I mean, some might say that since it’s her natural hair, it looks better, and healthier, but I prefer her longer locks. See for yourself. Don’t worry, she’s wearing a bra. 



Here’s what Amy looks like without her beehive – some older photos of her after taking it off. I dunno… man.


Amy, let’s go back to the days of the beehive… but sans drugs.

amy21amy5 Amy's maternal instinctsamy3

Ok, so sans baby and shot, and … well, I said sans drugs…

Do you guys remember this picture. What a cutie!!! If she decides to forget all about the hive, I think this should be her look, it’s really innocent, which is something we haven’t seen from her in awhile.
